The whole week I was busy preparing for my big day tomorrow! Big big day, many many preparations. Thank God, i've besties around to help me up! 
Here's a sneak peak at the photoshoot i've done with Jane and lil Mandy. 
Flower head wreath from Sungei Wang boutique, costs me only 19.90bucks! :D
Jill Stuart cosmetics as collocation of mua princess theme.

Part of the our work. More pictures, please go to Keep Calm and Snap On Fb page 

Was planning to do some props for my big day, and yea....things get easier when your bestie is around to help. Thanks babe LengLeng for the printing. *flying kiss* Though the size in real is way bigger than we thought, oppsss \\( > o < )//

List to do:

Printing props 
Pastel outfit 
Cupcakes and macarons 

Preparations are 80% complete, can't wait for tomorrow to come! I'll be running errands from morning till night, decorating house, serving relatives and friends, selca-ing, chilling, having lots and lots of fun! Double YAY YAY
Hope everything turns up perfecto.
Nighty nights readers, xx