Weekends were memorably awesome pumping the beats with Future Music Festival Asia 2013! At first we girls planned to go only the second day (not really a trance kaki), but after we did some music research and listened some Armin and W&W songs! Ok, f*ckit we will go for two days! *party rock sign*

First time raving together with over 25,000 crowd, Armin's A State of Trance 600 ftw!

Blinking LED balloons that look like stars when they were releasing in the air, SO PRETTY!!!

Whenever there's a rave party, we would come out with a theme. This time was some drawing on cheeks or somewhere below your eyes, which again is inspired from make-up guru Pearypie!
#1 Hearts

#2 Starry stars

First day ootn!

Sien-face because they were so not into trance, oopppssssy! So Miao and LeeJie went outside to grab BurgerLab and poor Keat has to be our photographer. In fact Keat is very willing to do so because in return he needs us to help him to take ootd picha too, lol!

The second day...
We thought of arriving earlier so that we can sit the ferris wheel, but because the VIP parking was full (even though we arrived like freaking 6pm) and we gotta walked all the way! Worse thing happened as my shoes spoiled while walking halfway, and boyfriend have to walk all the way back to the parking and grabbed my flippers! Luckily there was a shuttle bus right after i changed my shoes, phewww~
Love my Chun-Li hairstyle not? Teehee~

Sky already turned dark when we arrived, no more sitting ferris wheel :(

Supposed to check out the Lapsap pool party, but the pool was too small to fit and no waterguns/water balloons were allowed. So yea, f*ckit again! We went straight to the Flamingo stage, chilled while waiting Rita Ora and PSY to perform.
We also bumped into Mich and Jas at the VIP zone. Can see Mich from far because of her cool neon yellow wig with her matchy matchy neon colours eye make-up. Mad love her outfit♥

Party and Bullshit, Party and Bullshit...YEAHHHHHH!

After the most anticipating PSY performance, is myBurgerLab time!!! Skipping the two hours queue which my friend had the other day at their actual shop at Damansara, we got our burgers in less than 10minutes!

Then we went hopping stages from stages, making some funny clips. Make sure you stay tune for our video! :D

Second day ootn.

Good night
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