Holla everybodeh! How's your Raya holiday treating you so far? Mine one was pretty awesome. Went on a road trip with my boyfriend's family and had my pre-birthday pool party last night. Now you can see why i haven't been updating my blog.
Among all the overdue posts, I'm gonna blog about my latest pool party celebration that happened in last 24 hours at Verve Suite. Special thanks to Mich to have us, and everyone single you who showed up. You know who you are x
The party supposed to start at 5pm but something came up and the whole thing delayed. Luckily we managed to get the food and balloons on time, but I've totally forgotten about the speakers that my newbie DJ Chuckei needs while she spinning during the party. Luckily we have a Jawbone Jambox (from Mich's place) that can connect Cherrie's and Leonard's iphone playlists with its wireless feature. So cool right?!! I also want a Jawbone Jambox!
Here's my pool party coordinate.
Topshop high-waisted bikini set // White chiffon shirt & flower headband from Bkk

Pictures before everyone get wet.

My masterchef with his armpit pose :/

Welcome back Jasiminne with her makeup-less face, all the way from London.

Jas said, 'please selca with my boobies.' So yea, this is what it turned out!!! : O

Pardon my boyfriend (if you notice), he just can't get serious.

Jumped-into-the-pool shot follows by more pictures after getting wet. I know it sounds so wrong, but i'm sure you know what i meant :p

My babes♡

My huannie boo♥

Apple cider, balloons, bikins, music, friends. Great party last night.
Looking forward to more celebration in August.
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