It's another overdue birthday post that fell on February. Babe Leng has been nagging about her birthday pictures for so long :s Sorry babe, here IT IS

I wore a one piece dress paired with blingbling collar that day. Lovin' the collar as ornament.  

Birthday dinner was held at Palate Palette, Changkat. 

With the birthday girl, LengLeng. She always has the fairest skin among us, xx. 

Babe Liza is here as well. If you guys realize, there is actually a white thingy on my nose. I've no idea what's that and why no one tells me that night. x . x

Jane and her twins, Jia Nie. 

Yummilicious food was served after awhile of camwhoring sessions. 
 #1 Chicken chop.

#2 Sandwiches.

#3 Seafood spagetti. 

Whenever there are boys, we girls have entertainment. 

The fun didn't end here. 
Babe Leng get her face smashed into the birthday cake. HAHAHA

Then Miaomiao posed with his gross-ever cake stucked all over his teeth. 

OMG X 100000!!

Rewinded back to the scene before the birthday cake had not been smashed. 
Leng, you shouldn't have hold the cake! :p

After the cleaning, it was time to open her gifts. 

Wasn't a real Gucci after all. :p

A pressie from us. A real one. 

Fromnowon, it will be a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of group pictures. Just scroll......

Jacqueline & Lily.

With my huannie boy

Sweetest love birds. 

Dolly Lily. 

Elysia girl.

Last picture with my babes.
I knew it might not be your happiest birthday celebration after the incident. I believe God has prepared a better one for you in future. Love you, xx.