Hey i just met you and this is crazy, but here's my picture so keep on scrolling♥

I'm dessert person. Macarons, cakes, ice creams, chocolates, candies, snowflakes dessert....On nom nom~~ I can even skip my proper meal for dessert. One said dessert can make you happy. It's true.

Renee Zellweger ever said in the movie, Down With Love that women should replace chocolate with love. *one of my fav film*
I partially agree with her because my Huannie always buys me dessert to atone his mistakes. A combination of boyfriend's love + dessert makes perfect. MY THEORY! :D
Speaking of dessert, I went dessert date with mua girls at Häagen-Dazs, outside Lot 10 last week.

I'm too esurient to have one scoop of chocolate all by myself. Sluuurrrpp~

My girls ordered this bliss in a heavenly dish of Dark Chocolate Orange, Belgian Chocolate, Tiramisu and Macadamia Nut ice cream, Raspberry Sorbet and Mango Sorbet with chocolate and strawberry sauce.

It was one of the sweetest night we spent. We plan another dessert date when J is back.
One more additional news i want to share is that do you guys know Celcom is having best package in town for Samsung Galaxy S III?
It comes as low as RM1398 exclusively for Celcom customers.
If you want to experience the best network coverage and best network quality, hurray up and sign up now!

Click here for more information regard Celcom packages, www.celcom.com.my/smartphones or you can redirect youself to my previous post, Simplicity is Happiness for Galaxy S III new features.
Gonna have my breakfast now, good day ahead readers.
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