What came across my mind on Monday, "Screw it political economy assignment, especially you've to REDO REDO REDO it! O.o" Just venting out my siensation here, not blaming my groupmates. *in case you see this*

Anyway, just had durian feast with the Oois'.
Burrrrppppp, can you smell it can you smell it? :p
Tonight i'll be updating about Cortez Turns 40th anniversary event happened last month. No idea what's Cortez until boyfriend told me it was the first running sneaker created by Nike in 1972.

My ootn.

The event was happening at Juice, Bangsar.

Ze most creative part was the DIY- Cortez sneaker session! You get to paint and pimp your design on the pimp-up zone. Double fun! (Y)

Huannie's design for me♥

My pinkish design.

The twin's design.

Nic's design.

Jane's design.

Get a glimpse into the creative set up! They had ramly burger store, free flow Asahi beer, carbonated drinks bar, cotton candy, Cortez-designed cupcakes, and ice cream van. This invite-only party was awesome!!!

We didn't leave Cortez 40/40 event with empty hands, they had free gifts for each of us. Trust me, i love to attend more of such creative events.
A box of chocolate and stickers made merry♥
Till then readers, xx
Nike Cortez 40th Anniversary event. What came across my mind on Monday, "Screw it political economy assignment, especially you've to ... cnikecortez.blogspot.com