Recall the last time I involve in community project was last month while i was doing assignment project which my uni-mates chose to help NASAM (read my previous post about here, NASAM). Though it's not 100% voluntary work for me to do, but i get to look at the world from a different perpective and learn to appreciate life more.
Thanks to Petronas and Nuffnang, I had an opportunity to involve in community work again.

Few bloggers were selected to join this program Sentuhan Kasih Deepavali Petronas 2012 @ Kampung Wellington, Perak. This program has started since 2005 with the objective of nurturing and enhancing the spirit of giving and volunteerism among Petronas' employees and affiliates. This year, Petronas' employees has reached out to the less privileged communities during Deepavali.

Mike Tan from Zenith was the coordinator of the program, briefing us how and what to do to help the villagers.

Basically we were helping to clean out the kampung, providing a rubbish-free environment for the villagers to stay in. :)

In Kampung Wellington, 90% of the villagers are living under minimum wage with household income less than RM700 that supports one family expense. Most of the families, some are single mothers with many schooling children. With unstable monthly income, they are hardly survived.

Below are some activities during the programme.
Mohammad Medan (first pic, with shades) and Dr. Abdul Rahim (second pic) were trying their hands at deep frying vadai.

They helped in refurbishing the community hall, giving the building a new face.

Towards the end of the program, we were resting and time for picha! :D



Later i was dragged by Mike to do an interview! I thought it was us being interviewed together, but at last i was the only one who went! Oh-noooo, so nervous. :s
Spot me in the video at 4.11min in the video. My eyes were hardly opened because the sun was shining so bright (wonder how actors can wide-open their eyes under the sun).
Some behind-the-scene pichas!

That basically ends my day with Petronas. Hope i can participate in this kind of community projects in future. You guys should do as well. It's important if you can contribute back to society (if you've the ability) especially when you are living such....i should say happy life as compared to them.

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