Girls and boys, here's a new thing in town i want to introduce with you guys! A new technology which can save your phone when you accidentally dropped your phone or exposed it to water, especially for girls because often when they drop their phone, they would only scream without instantly catching it. Am i right, lol!
We called this new technology LIQUIPEL.

What is Liquipel?
Liquipel is an invisible protection that makes your device watersafe. I repeat is watersafe, not waterproof.
The nano-technology involves applying a layer of coating to your electronic devices, protecting them in the event of accidental expose to liquids. With its nano-sized armour (1000 times thinner than the human hair), it does not affect the look, texture and performance of your electronic device.
Here's my liquipel-ed phone, looking normal as usual.

This coating services is not limited to only smartphones, but any other device that can fit into the patented Liquipel machine. But as far as i know, this technology is yet to be ready for cameras with portable lens (semi-pro or pro) because those lens are very sensitive. Compact cameras and laptops are fine.
Let's see a Liquipel demo on tissue paper.
1. A normal tissue paper (left) vs liquipel-ed tissue paper. Both looks normal, and the texture is indifferent.

2. Dip both tissues on the water. The normal tissue (left) is wet yet liquipel-ed tissue is water-resistant.

How i test liquipel-ed tissue with water!

How does Liquipel works?
Step 1: Your device is placed into Liquipel Machine and air is pumped out to create a vacuum.
Step 2: A special vapour is pumped into the chamber to cover every part of the device including external components such as headphone jack, charging port and speakers.
Step 3: The Liquipel coating is permanently bonded to your device on molecular level for protection that lasts the life of your device.
So where to get your electronic devices the Liquipel treatment?
Just bring your device to the Liquipel service centre at Hicom Glenmarie Industrial Park or to any one of its partner outlets at 1 Utama, Digital Mall or Low Yat Plaza, Kepong Jusco, Oscar Wangsa Maju and Oscar Rawang. Process would take about 1 hour if you send to the main branch (Hicom Glenmarie, Shah Alam), and about maximum 3 to 4 hours for outlets as the Liquipel process can only be done at main branch.
Liquipel process would cost starting from RM189 for smartphones and RM239 for tablets. However, here's an exclusive deal for my readers. By just mentioning the promotion code "Bwincessnana x Liquipel", you will receive a RM39 off on the spot. Promotion is valid till 15th of January 2013, so grab your chance now!
Do take note this exclusive promotion only applicable on smart phone.
For more information, do visit and LIKE Liquipel Malaysia FB page or call 03 5567 9928.
This post is brought to you by LQP Asia Sdn Bhd, the first and only company in Malaysia to offer Liquipel technology.
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