Mosquito is always been girls' nemesis. They will find you, bite you, suck your blood and leaving their mark on your beautiful skin. I not sure how long mosquito bite usually stay on your skin, but for me it takes forever to be gone T_________T

(Images from Google)
Imagine if I want to go out for a date wearing my super hot pants or mini skirt, this mosquito bite might ruin the whole look. They cause mood swings like pimples do, lol. #firstworldproblem
As far as those pimples treatment works, mosquito repellents should have killed all the mosquito in my house. But they did not!
These are some repellents which my grandma used when I was very young.

(Images from Google)
Both mosquito coil or spray functionality is highly doubted, because the only think I could recall is the choking smell. I guess their toxicity overweights their effectiveness.
So does it mean we gonna stay with mosquito forever?
No, i don't think so. Recently I came across this product from Khind.

Khind Aedes Buster IK610.
It attracts mosquitoes with its 3 non-toxic ways:
1. Odour - Titanium Dioxide coated in the Buster works similarly with human exhalation to give out Carbon Dioxide that attracts mosquitoes up to 36 meters away.
2. Light - The ultra violet (UV) creates a strong visual attraction to mosquitoes within 30 feet.
3. Heat - UV releases heat that mimics human body warmth and lure mosquitoes within 10 feet.
When mosquitoes are trapped inside the Buster, they are no way to go because the built-in fan will suck them into the collecting compartment of the Buster passing through the net and stick to the hygienic glue tray until death.
Isn't it hard to imagine when all these are described in words, here's a picture of the product i took before and after assembled it. The assembly part is pretty simple with the guide booklet provided.

Just in case you ask, it is strictly for indoor usage only. To maximize its effectiveness, Khind Aedes Buster IK610 is recommended to place 3 feet above the ground, turn it on and switch off other sources of lights in the room. Also remember to stay at least 10 feet away from the Buster so that you won't distract the mosquitoes and mislead the target.
Kill mosquitoes, kill them all. RAWR!

(Image from MeMe)
Picture below shown the result after I used Khind Aedes Buster 1K610 for a week. Two mosquitoes (which is circled in red) are caught. I know that was not much, guess my room doesn't have much mosquito (which is a fact though :p).

But anyway, another coolest feature is the built-in timer which automatically cut-off power after 4 hours operations. Khind claimed that it's good enough to do the job. This feature also helps prolongs UV tube usage that only needed to change every 12 months (based on daily use of 4 hours). Very eco-friendly!!! Besides, the unit comes with additional 2 ultra violet tubes and 2 pieces of glue trays free of charge (FOC), which is enough for you to use for at least a year. If you are too clumsy to broke the spares, they are available for sales on their website and other official dealers listed here.
Khind Aedes Buster IK610 is selling at RM 132 per unit, available in both dark blue and maroon colours. You know what's better? It comes with 2 years product warranty within Malaysia excluded the UV tubes and glue trays. Read more product details here :)

Funfact I realized while using this Buster is that it can be used as home deco as well, lol :D

What's even funnier about this product, check out their video below.
Do you think I'll be that selfish to enjoy mosquito-free environment all by myself?
Clearly I'm not because I'm giving away Khind Aedes Buster IK610 to 2 lucky winners.
How to win
Drop a comment and tell me what's the most ridiculous way you/your friends/family have used to bust mosquitoes. Remember to leave your contact email as well. Two most creative answers (judged by me myself) will be chosen. Contest ends on 10th of July 2013. Winner announcement will be notified by email, so do check your inbox on the same date.
However if you are not lucky to win my giveaways, you can participate in Khind's Facebook contest to more prizes. Contest ends on 21st of July 2013 (T&C apply).
Good luck and let's bust Aedes before they get us!
My mum will vacuum the house every two days and she will spray some lemon juice at the corner of the house. Because of that my house smells like lemon xD
Hi Vincy, Aedes Busters applied ultraviolet light, carbon dioxide and warmth to attract and trap Aedes mosquitoes. The simple but innovative glue trays also assist drive away ants and prevent fragments of dead mosquitoes from becoming blown out with the buster to the surrounding air. For detail visit:
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ReplyDeleteI prepared 3 types of mosquito repellents in my house, roll, spray and a liquid bottle which have to get connected to electricity but none of them is working. I switch on the liquid bottle everyday (24 hours) and my family almost got killed by the unpleasant smell. Mosquitoes do not escape therefore I think they are already immune to the liquid after few months. Besides, we also use the oldest, simplest and fastest way to kill mosquito—OUR HAND. You will always hear “PIAK PIAK PIAK” while we are having lunch in the kitchen because there are uncountable mosquitoes attacking us. We got tired and frustrated and I think Khind Aedes Buster IK610 is the only hope to help us kill all the mosquitoes.
I still remembered back to when I was young, I used to attend tuition classes at a rural kampung house and that place was surrounded by lots of mosquitoes. I used my hand to clap mosquitoes to death instead of concentrating on what the teacher was teaching. I even competed with my friends on how many mosquitoes we killed and displayed in on the table in the tuition centre. My highest record was 7 mosquitoes if I'm not mistaken. Haha!! Those were the days yet memorable experience for me ;)
Hi, Nana ^^ I still remembered when I was in secondary school, my brothers and sisters will use the mosquito electrical something like racquet to kill the mosquito even there is only one in front of us. Then we will run around the house to kill it and must hear the sound 'piak piak' just will have the satisfying feeling. Killing Mosquitos is the most enjoyable and the excitement level reached the highest among others free time activities.
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The most effective and fastest way to bust off - - - Electric Racquet!
ReplyDeleteJust give one good swing and under the "buzzer" sound, they are conquered!
Mosquito really giving me the hard time especially night time because I have to sleep inside my "net" just to keep them away!
By having this product, I believe I can save my time on cleaning the "net" over the weekend; and the most important, I can sleep tight!
One of the way my mum use to kill mosquitoes is by sucking them into the vacuum cleaner when she sees one while she is vacuum-ing the house. I am not sure whether those mosquitoes die or not after being sucked inside but I guess it will be all dead because of the temperature is quite high. LOL. I think this way of killing mosquitoes really impressed me and I think it really works.
My mum will burn the pamelo skin and cut them into small pieces. She will put them in the house and it really works! Mosquitoes hate the smell of Pamelo so they don't come. Therefore my mum will also close all the window, off all the light so that the mosquito will go towards a brighter place and this time my mum will use a electric racket and kill them! My friend Vivian likes to wear long sleeves and long pants wherever she go coz she said this will prevent mosquito from 'kissing' her lol. My way is using the 'mosquito coil' but its so smelly so I prefer putting on thick mosquito repellant so that they will not come towards me.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I go out I will put a thick layer of Burt's Bee repellant coz its effective !! That's all thx for reading :)
Sometimes, my Dad will reuse some egg cartons by lighting them up and put around the house compound. The smoke produced can chase away the mosquitoes effectively and we all can sleep well at night, although this way seems like a little bit environment unfriendly and the smell is quite choking too.
Hi hi! i heard people said burning paper egg cartons (trays) is not good coz they contain lots of chemical from the egg tray production.
DeleteWhen i was still small, i live in a room without aircond. its so hot to tuck my whole self in the comforter. there are a lot of mosquitoes and those mosquito spray and so on don't work well. what i did was to put a pail of water beside my bed. then, lay a towel on the bed at leg area. before i sleep, i will wet my legs (which get bitten most of the time) and went to sleep without drying them. then in the middle of the night when i got bitten and woke up, i will wet my legs again and sleep -_______- it works better than sprays and repellents, although i dont know why. sometimes i dont need to wake up in the middle of the night! thats the best solution i can think of when i was 9 years old. lol.
One of the ridiculous way me and my brother do to bust the mosquitoes is to gather whatever black color stuff of us together like bags, clothes and fluffy doll all that. And then we off the lights in the room. After few mins then we shake the bunch of black stuff and the mosquitoes would fly out off them. Then quickly we use the electric Racquet to shock them all.. lol Because we think that mosquitoes love to stay on black color stuff.
Hi nana, I remembered when i first went to Penang for my studies, I didn'nt bite by mosquitoes as my hostel located at 8th floor,maybe the mosquitoes can't fly so high?hahaha...However, when I went back to my hometown, I got bites almost every night. Used to spray the anti mosquito cream on my body(forgotten what it called) , but the strange smell make me smell so bad. The next morning, I could feel there's somthing on my skin....feel so weird.My worst experience was when I went To Pendang for a competition, although I applied the anti mosquite cream ady, mosquitoes still flying around me and even "walking" on my body.Lol. Now, I on the air-cond to the lowest temperature and put a natural mosquitoes repellent under my bed and i found out that less mosquitoes bite me ady... I hate mosquitoes as my skin are so sensitive, the red spot would harly disappeared and left a scare on my skin...UGLY!
I was on a holiday in Bali and was worried about mosquitoes as i seem to be a magnet to these pesky blood sucking insects.
ReplyDeleteI got myself equipped as most dinners were either next to a paddy field or in the middle of a open green space. I prepared my diy lemongrass concoction to apply on these outings. Besides applying this, i also ate tons of garlic and had some bunga cengkih in my bag as they were suppose to help.
When i was out for my romantic dinners i smelled like a walking herbalist but i never had a bite, do try them out as i am not sure which one helped. It is not only a mosquitoe repellant but a romance repellant as well.
Allow me to direct your attention to victims of mosquitoes that are rarely talked about: dogs. To avoid getting bitten by mozzies come evening time, my dog has a habit of biting off--plucking--a strong-smelling leaf (either mint or the mosquito plant) from our garden, which he places on the floor before laying flat on top of it. He then proceeds to wriggle himself in a bid to rub some of the scent from the plant off and onto his body. Genius.