TGIF readers, how's your week so far? I've been rushing on my assignment meeting the deadlines. A dreadful week, UGHH! Just submit my report and there's 3 mores to go! But, i'm still looking forward for my long weekends plus a week sem break. Teehee~
I was asked to attend SOX launch event last Sunday, thanks Nuffnang for the invite. *Did i tell you this is my virgin job, teehee!* XD

The event was held at PWTC!

So you guys wondering what's S.O.X?
Try to guess...
No clue at all???

Still have no idea???
OK, no more guess!
S.O.X is the first and only prepaid plan in Malaysia designed by Xpax exclusively for students below 18. This new project brings a sports fiesta of drum lines, cheer dance and basketball teams from schools all over in Malaysia. The winner team of each category will receive cash and prizes worth more than RM100,000. The final battle will be happening on 3 June 2012 @ Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort, KL.
So, what chu waiting for?

After the official launch of SOX 2012, there was a Q&A session with Encik Zalman Aefendy, chief marketing officer of Celcom.

This prepaid package is said to be the cheapest among other telecommunication brand. Once you hits RM1 and above, you can choose to have free calls or free SMSs and even free internet access. So cool right!!
Why S.O.X doesn't present during my high school time? (> o <)
The S.O.X team!

S.O.X team with the bloggers.

The bloggers with SOX props.

Below are some snippets about SOX happening in several states.
For more details and pictures, click S.O.X on Facebook♥
All pretty bloggers in one photo :)