First day of new semester, nothing much to update. Same old lecture, same old yawning class. Before i start gettin' busy on classes and assignments, let me blog about my big 21st celebration happened two weeks ago.
Those preparations before the party began. Specially ordered cupcakes that act concert with the pastel colour theme.

Special thanks to Maggie for the make-up. It would be the best birthday present from her<3 p="p">

Done with the make-up and also my birthday corner. Was satisfied with the outcome! :D

Bubble talk.

Is that what chu think? *blush blush*
Photobooth session was on-going until dunnowhattime! > , <
With Miki mama and my babes.

Lots of love from my D's♥

With Toto.

Candice girl.

Ex-high schoolmate besties, LingMing.

Truly Jane.

Ash Ash baby.

Maggie mah~

Big nennen Nat Nat~

Sweetest Javene.

My boi and PandaWong.

Sweetie Povy~

With Liz babe~

VV babe~

Twins babeh!

With mua boi playing with the props! :D

Decided to have tiffany box as cake design. One thing i have to say, the outlook was nice but it wasn't as tasty as i expected. > . < Oh well, it was mainly as foil.

Moments of love♥

Group photos.

After a long night, my girls was demanding to have the unwrapped-gifts-time.
Me happily unwrapping all the gifts...

Got a Tiffany&Co. from my ex-highschool besties, teehee~ (Y)

A set of toiletries from my D's, Nat.

Unexpected gift, handmade cupcakes from Povy. Sweetness overloaded.

What a night i had with all of you celebrating my 21st. Couldn't be more appreciate your guys' attendances.

Pastel-themed twenty-one birthday bash SUCCESS!!!
May i know where and how much u make the huge photo frame ? the material to make it is ? Styrofoam ?